
This NuGet includes all the necessary NuGet references to use SQLite with XPO on Android,iOS and UWP. After install this NuGet you still need to install your preferred version of XPO

Recent Packages

Version Downloads
1.1.12 179

Usage Instructions

Latest Version: 1.1.12

To install BIT.Sqlite.MultiTarget from the command line, run the following command:

nuget install BIT.Sqlite.MultiTarget -Version 1.1.12 -Source

To install BIT.Sqlite.MultiTarget from the Package Manager Console within Visual Studio, run the following command:

Install-Package BIT.Sqlite.MultiTarget -Version 1.1.12 -Source

For projects that support PackageReference, copy this XML node into the project file to reference the package.

<PackageReference Include="BIT.Sqlite.MultiTarget" Version="1.1.12" />